Fan Rotation during Winter
Proper air circulation can optimize the benefits in using the ceiling fan during any season. And on winter, the rotation of blades should supposed to be forward or in a clockwise motion. This movement pushes up the air and pulls the warm trapped air down the sides of the room, thus, improving the distribution of heat. But to have the desired temperature, though, it is a requisite to choose the right model or brand and size of which or the gas unit heaters.
Gyration during Summer
For the fan to aid in producing or distributing the windchill or cool breeze, the blades of fan should rotate in a 'reverse' counter-clockwise motion. The effect of this is similar to that which you feel when fanning yourself with a magazine to get relieved from hot air. But don't get confused to presume that the ceiling fans can heat or cool a room – they don't. Such appliance only improves air circulation through which you can also boost the degree of comfort in a particular space.

Testing Your Fan Rotation
It's the manufacturer that generally sets the fan and its angles. And the product design determines or dictates how such appliance operates, as such, the above rotations may not be applicable if the design of your fan is different. As such, it is safe to follow instead the specified instructions or guidelines in the product manual. If this is not included, though, just stick to the standard rotation recommendations for either or both seasons. Particularly, you can test it by exploring the air movement and then geting reference note to serve as your reminder for seasonal change.
Important Note
While most ceiling fans fit the aforesaid rotation guidelines, there are other models which have different standards or designs. That being the case, you should consider modifying the settings depending on the result of your fan rotation testing, or season in your place. If you notice any difference between what you get and the result given above, try to explore other ways like using Reznor Unit Heaters to make your fan more efficient for summer or winter.
Nonetheless, if you find it inconvenient or impractical to use ceiling fan considering the size of your home or personal needs, the best alternative is using instead the right air conditioning unit.
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